
Midnight Tiger: The Complete Origin

Created by CEX Publishing

A beautiful 100+ page hardcover collecting issues 0 through 3 of MIDNIGHT TIGER!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Books en route to fulfillment warehouse! Last chance to update shipping information!
3 months ago – Tue, Jun 11, 2024 at 08:05:55 AM


Ray-Anthony Height and CEX are happy to announce that the Midnight Tiger hardcovers and trade paperbacks have arrived to the US and are on their way to the fulfillment warehouse. Here's a pic of CEX Publisher Andy Schmidt with a copy of the trade paperback that arrived to the office last week!

As soon as we get confirmation that the hardcovers and trade paperbacks are delivered to the fulfillment warehouse, we will start sending out rewards as soon as possible. Until then, we are giving all physical backers one last chance to update their shipping information. If you need to update your address, please shoot us a DM through Kickstarter by Friday, June 14th @ 12 PM CST.

Rewards are scheduled to ship out in two waves. The first wave will ship out rewards that only require the hardcover or trade paperback. The second wave will ship out the remainder of rewards that also include single issue comics and/or commissions. We expect there to be a 3 to 4 week gap between these two waves due to a printing delay for these single issue comics that also need to be signed by Ray. 

Again, we cannot that you all enough for supporting Midnight Tiger and the first ever CEX Kickstarter. We are so excited to get these awesome rewards delivered to your door.

Midnight Tiger Printer Update - Book Binding & Pics!
5 months ago – Fri, Apr 19, 2024 at 12:41:11 PM

Happy Friday!

We just received a few photos from the printer and binding for the Midnight Tiger hardcover and trade paperback has begun! Here a few photos from the printer:

Midnight Tiger Hardcover.
Midnight Tiger Hardcover Interior.
Midnight Tiger Trade Paperback.

Once the binding process is complete, we'll have a ship date from the printer. After the books are delivered to our warehouse, we'll have a concrete reward fulfillment timeline. In the meantime, if you any backers need to update their shipping information, please shoot us a DM.

Ray-Anthony Height and the CEX team thank you so much for supporting Midnight Tiger on Kickstarter. 

-CEX Publishing

Midnight Tiger is off to press!
6 months ago – Tue, Apr 02, 2024 at 12:52:01 PM

Hi everyone,

We won't take too much of your time, but we are happy to announce that the printer has confirmed the Midnight Tiger hardcover and paperback editions are in production! 

Printing is expected to take between 4 to 5 weeks. Since we are printing abroad, we do not have a concrete delivery date for when the books will arrive at our warehouse. When the books are delivered, we will update everyone with the new reward fulfillment timeline.

Again, we cannot thank you all enough for supporting Ray-Anthony Height's Midnight Tiger and CEX's very first Kickstarter!

-CEX Publishing

Digital Downloads Distribution and Book Printing Update!
6 months ago – Mon, Mar 25, 2024 at 12:02:27 PM

Hey everyone,

First of all, we want to thank everyone for backing Midnight Tiger on Kickstarter. We really appreciate all your support and making the very first CEX campaign a success. We don't want to take too much of your Monday so here's a short and sweet update on digital rewards, book production, and commissions!

Digital Reward Distribution

Some of you may have received an email from BackerKit with the download links to your digital rewards, but we noticed a possible bug on their end because the digital reward count doesn't match the number of email notifications that were sent. With that said, we will be DM'ing each pledge tier accordingly via Kickstarter DM with the Dropbox download link.

Book Production

Since the digital edition of the Midnight Tiger is now complete, final files have been sent to the printer. We are now just waiting on confirmation from the printer that it has gone to press. Once we know it's off to press, we will have a better grasp on the fulfillment timeline. If you need to update your shipping information for any reason, please shoot us a DM and we will update your survey manually on our end.

Commissions and Shipping

Midnight Tiger creator Ray-Anthony Height has been working diligently on commission rewards. He is aiming to ship out the first batch of commissions this week. As commissions are shipped, we will DM commission backers individually with the tracking information via Kickstarter. 

Ray-Anthony Height at Wondercon 2024

This weekend in Anaheim, California Ray-Anthony Height will be at Wondercon! Meet the Midnight Tiger creator at booth SP-58. Wondercon is March 29-31.

Again, thank you so much for supporting Midnight Tiger.

-CEX Publishing

Final Letters and Commissions in the Works!
8 months ago – Wed, Jan 17, 2024 at 11:46:01 AM

Happy Wednesday!

CEX and Midnight Tiger creator Ray-Anthony Height hope you all had a great start to the new year and finally in a place where you are no longer mistakenly dating things as "2023". 

Before we jump into the update, we want to say thank you again for supporting Midnight Tiger on Kickstarter and helping the beautiful hardcover come to life. We really appreciate it and CEX is looking to do more Kickstarters in 2024!

Midnight Tiger #3: As we mentioned in our last update in December, colors and letters for issue 3 were in the works. These are still being wrapped up and will be finalized soon.

Book Buildin': While the pages for issue 3 are near completion, CEX is working on production for the hardcover, floppies, and paperback rewards to go to press. Digital editions for these rewards will be distributed through BackerKit once everything is at the printer and approved for press!

Commission Rewards: Ray is chipping away at the commission list for Kickstarter all while the CEX team is working to get all book rewards ready for the printer.

With all that said, addresses on BackerKit are still unlocked. If any backer needs to update their shipping information, you'll be able to make any changes just by logging into your BackerKit profile. Once we have a set print date, we'll lock down addresses and be able to confirm a reward shipping date.

Again, thank you so much for supporting Midnight Tiger and CEX on Kickstarter!