
Midnight Tiger: The Complete Origin

Created by CEX Publishing

A beautiful 100+ page hardcover collecting issues 0 through 3 of MIDNIGHT TIGER!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Art Class with Ray-Anthony Height @5 PM PST: Perspective and Composition - Discord Link for Backers Only!
about 1 year ago – Fri, Aug 25, 2023 at 04:18:20 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

MTO #3 Stretch Goal bonus cover reveal by Sherard Jackson (Darbi) and 3 more pages of Original Art added!
about 1 year ago – Thu, Aug 24, 2023 at 03:26:10 PM


Before we get started, creator Ray-Anthony Height and CEX would like to thank everyone for supporting Midnight Tiger Origins on Kickstarter. We have 12 days of funding to go and a few more Stretch Goals to unlock including the mystery pin-up we're about to reveal!

Mystery Pin-Up Revealed!

When we hit $14,000, we'll unlock this amazing pin-up by Darbi (Webtoons) creator Sherard Jackson that will be added to the cover and pin-up gallery in the Midnight Tiger: Origins hardcover! 

3 More Original Art Pages Added!

We also added 3 more pages of Midnight Tiger Original art. Claim 'em before it's too late!

Issue 2 Page 8
Issue 3 Page 9
Issue 2 Page 10

 BACKER-ONLY Art Class: Perspective & Composition

Just a reminder tomorrow at 5 PM PST, Ray will be teaching the second backer-only art class on Discord. The link to the class on Perspective and Composition will be posted in a backer-only Kickstarter update. See y'all there!

Again, Ray and CEX cannot thank you all enough for making the Midnight Tiger Origins hardcover possible and supporting us on Kickstarter! Let's kick some ass and unlock the rest of these Stretch Goals 😎

Art Class with Ray-Anthony Height @5 PM PST: Figure Drawing and Gesture - Discord Link for Backers Only!
about 1 year ago – Fri, Aug 18, 2023 at 03:33:28 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

A Video Special Message from CEX's Andy Schmidt and ICYMI: Ray's Interview with Dollar Bin Bandits! First Art Class Tomorrow!
about 1 year ago – Thu, Aug 17, 2023 at 05:21:38 PM

Happy Thursday!

This week we unlocked out first Stretch Goal with 19 days left in the campaign to unlock the rest! Creator Ray-Anthony Height and CEX cannot thank you enough for supporting Midnight Tiger Origins on Kickstarter and sharing this campaign wherever you can. With that said, here's a video from CEX's Andy Schmidt.

ICYMI: Ray-Anthony Height on Dollar Bin Bandits

Last weekend, Midnight Tiger's creator Ray was interviewed on the Dollar Bin Bandits podcast. Learn more about the story and the creation of Midnight Tiger and how growing up in Compton inspired the story. 

Backer-Only Art & Comic Storytelling Class Tomorrow!

Tomorrow at 5 PM PST, Ray-Anthony Height will be teaching the first backer-only Art & Comic Storytelling class on Discord. This first class will be focusing on figure drawing and gesture. A backer-only update will be posted with a link to the Discord channel at 4:45 PM PST. If you've been holding off on backing Midnight Tiger Origins on Kickstarter and you don't want to miss the first class, be sure make your pledge by 5 PM!

Again, thank you so much for backing Midnight Tiger Origins on Kickstarter. Ray-Anthony Height and the team at CEX are beyond grateful for your support and bringing this beautiful hardcover to life. Now, let's keep the momentum going and unlock these Stretch Goals!

FUNDED! Thank you from Ray-Anthony Height and CEX! Next step: Stretch Goals!
about 1 year ago – Mon, Aug 14, 2023 at 09:03:16 PM

We are beyond thrilled to announce that Midnight Tiger Origins has reached its funding goal over the weekend! This incredible achievement would not have been possible without your support. From the depths of our hearts, Ray-Anthony Height and CEX want to extend our sincerest gratitude for helping this beautiful hardcover come to life!

🎥 And, now, a special thank you video from Ray.

What's next? We still have 3 weeks left until funding closes and Stretch Goals to unlock! First up, at $8,500, is a pin-up by Mike Vasquez added to the Midnight Tiger Origins hardcover.

Again, we cannot thank you all enough for supporting Midnight Tiger on Kickstarter. Let's keep the momentum going for the rest of the campaign and unlock these Stretch Goals!