
Midnight Tiger: The Complete Origin

Created by CEX Publishing

A beautiful 100+ page hardcover collecting issues 0 through 3 of MIDNIGHT TIGER!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Final Letters and Commissions in the Works!
8 months ago – Wed, Jan 17, 2024 at 11:46:01 AM

Happy Wednesday!

CEX and Midnight Tiger creator Ray-Anthony Height hope you all had a great start to the new year and finally in a place where you are no longer mistakenly dating things as "2023". 

Before we jump into the update, we want to say thank you again for supporting Midnight Tiger on Kickstarter and helping the beautiful hardcover come to life. We really appreciate it and CEX is looking to do more Kickstarters in 2024!

Midnight Tiger #3: As we mentioned in our last update in December, colors and letters for issue 3 were in the works. These are still being wrapped up and will be finalized soon.

Book Buildin': While the pages for issue 3 are near completion, CEX is working on production for the hardcover, floppies, and paperback rewards to go to press. Digital editions for these rewards will be distributed through BackerKit once everything is at the printer and approved for press!

Commission Rewards: Ray is chipping away at the commission list for Kickstarter all while the CEX team is working to get all book rewards ready for the printer.

With all that said, addresses on BackerKit are still unlocked. If any backer needs to update their shipping information, you'll be able to make any changes just by logging into your BackerKit profile. Once we have a set print date, we'll lock down addresses and be able to confirm a reward shipping date.

Again, thank you so much for supporting Midnight Tiger and CEX on Kickstarter!

Final Letters and Production Schedule Update!
9 months ago – Wed, Dec 20, 2023 at 06:16:41 PM

Hey everyone,

First of all, we want to thank everyone again for supporting Midnight Tiger on Kickstarter and making this awesome hardcover happen.

In our last update, we were hoping to have final files done and uploaded to the printer before the holidays. The last batch of pages for issue 3 are being lettered. With that said, the production schedule has had to pivot so Midnight Tiger: Origins will be going to press in 2024. PDF rewards will be sent to backers once all files are uploaded to the printer. 

Surveys will remain unlocked on BackerKit. If you need to update your shipping information, you'll be able to do so on your end. When we get closer to press, we'll have a more concrete idea of when we will be locking down BackerKit surveys.

Again, thank you so much for supporting Midnight Tiger, Ray-Anthony Height, and CEX on Kickstarter. We really appreciate it. 

Have a safe and Happy Holiday!


Production Update! Ray-Anthony Height at LACC this weekend!
10 months ago – Sat, Dec 02, 2023 at 09:37:31 AM

Happy Saturday!

Just a few updates on our end. Midnight Tiger creator Ray-Anthony Height and the CEX team are working on the final touches to the hardcover before we go to press. We expect to be in the queue on the printer's schedule before Christmas. Digital rewards will be distributed once final press files are sent to the printer. With that said, it looks more likely that we will be fulfilling this Kickstarter in March 2024.

In the meantime, shipping information on BackerKit will remain unlocked. If you move or need to update your shipping address, you are free to do so on your end. We will lock down surveys when we have a set date to start shipping rewards. An update will be posted to let you know before we do so.

Ray-Anthony Height at Los Angeles Comic Con

If you're in sunny Los Angeles this weekend, stop by Los Angeles Comic Con! Stop by Table F39 and say hi to Ray. He'll be there repping Midnight Tiger all weekend.

Again, thank you so much for supporting Midnight Tiger on Kickstarter and making this beautiful hardcover come to life.


CEX Publishing

Reminder: BackerKit Closes in 1 Week!
11 months ago – Mon, Nov 06, 2023 at 05:28:04 PM

Happy Monday, everyone!

We just wanted to remind all backers that we will be locking down BackerKit surveys and the Pre-Order shop in 1 week. Please have your surveys completed by Monday 11/23 at 7 PM CST.

If you have not completed your survey, you can access it here:

Again, thank you so much for supporting Midnight Tiger on Kickstarter. We cannot wait to get this awesome hardcover in your hands in 2024.


CEX and Ray-Anthony Height

BackerKit Surveys LIVE for all backers!
11 months ago – Mon, Oct 23, 2023 at 05:06:52 PM

Happy Monday!

The BackerKit "Smoke Test" that was initiated over the weekend has gone well and we are opening surveys to all backers. Thank you so much to all the backers randomly selected for the smoke test and helping us make sure there are no issues with surveys.

BackerKit has already sent survey notifications to your inbox associated with your Kickstarter account. Some of you may have already completed your survey by the time this update was posted. If you cannot find the survey invitation in your inbox, you can access BackerKit here:

If this is your first rodeo, BackerKit is the platform we are using to collect Kickstater surveys. With BackerKit, you'll be able to easily provide us with important information like your shipping details and you will also be able to add any last minute Add-Ons. Just be sure all information entered into BackerKit is submitted by the key dates listed below.

BackerKit Survey Lockdown - 11/13/2023 @ 7 PM CST

We will be locking down completed surveys for Midnight Tiger at 7 PM CST on Monday, November 13th. A 48-hour notice to charge for shipping will also be sent out at this time.

Shipping Fees Charged - 11/15/2023 @ 7 PM CST

BackerKit will charge the card on file to cover shipping fees. Please be sure your card information is correct.

If any information needed to complete your BackerKit survey is not submitted by the dates above, there may be a delay when shipping your reward. Please be sure to have your survey completed and that your card information is up-to-date by the key dates listed.

If you missed the Midnight Tiger campaign on Kickstarter, BackerKit is your last chance to pledge. BackerKit offers anyone who missed the Kickstarter another opportunity to pledge for any of the exclusives after the campaign ends through the BackerKit Pre-Order section. The BackerKit Pre-Order section will close when surveys are locked down on 11/13 @ 7 PM CST. To pledge through the BackerKit Pre-Order section, click here:

Again, thank you all so much for making the Midnight Tiger: Origins Hardcover Kickstarter a success. We appreciate your support for helping this collection come to life.

- Ray-Anthony Height and the CEX Team